Roger Adams, currently studying an MSc in Data Science for Business at Stirling, tells us how the course is helping him to get immersed in the world of data science I write this on the train back to Dundee having just finished my last exam of the autumn semester (Big Data: Commercial & Scientific Applications). […]
Guest Blogs
Getting to grips with messy data at the Scottish Funding Council
This summer, three students undertook work at the Scottish Funding Council (SFC) on datasets covering students at Scottish colleges and universities. This work was completed with the ‘Performance Measurement and Analysis’ team which looks at many aspects of university and college performance. All three students were from different academic backgrounds and had very different summer […]
My data science internship has been a whirlwind of experiences
Our Data Lab MSc student Rebecca Clancy has spent her internship working at Scottish Enterprise, using her newly acquired academic knowledge to solve some real life problems, and actively learning new methods, applications, software and other skills essential for life as a data scientist. Working at Scottish Enterprise has been, in a word, surreal. It […]
Life as one of The Data Lab’s MSc students
Our MSc students have now finished their year of study and are embarking on either placements or research projects. We asked three of them how they have been finding life as an MSc student and what advice they would give to others thinking about taking the same path. This is an exciting time to learn […]
Why I’m feeling positive about starting a new career in data science
Guest blog from Data Lab MSc student, John Bell It’s hard to believe that I’m coming towards the end of my year as a Data Lab MSc student. Boy, did that year go quickly. The exams are over, assignments have been submitted and there’s time to breathe and take the opportunity to reflect on how […]
The power of data transformation by John Brodie of Merkle Aquila, a DataFest18 sponsor
John Brodie, the co-founder of Merkle Aquila, who will be sponsors of DataFest18, explains that there are some amazing examples of businesses that have used data analytics to transform the way they operated, and he brings us two great stories of data transformation in action. He surprises us by looking back to 1948 for one […]