In the face of competing and conflicting challenges facing households, businesses and government, finding the ways climate action can lead to greener, healthier more economically resilient communities is critical to expanding the scale and scope of climate action. Funded by The Data Lab, the Climate Outcomes and Benefits for the Economy, Nature and Society (CO-BENS) […]
Guest Blogs
Learning new skills and making connections with the FanDuel hackathon
At The Data Lab, we’re always thrilled to showcase the experiences and growth of our talented students from The Data Lab Academy. Jared Scott, MSc Data Science at Robert Gordon University participated in the Data Fest and FanDuel hackathon. In this insightful piece, Jared shares their journey through the event, highlighting the valuable skills and […]
Public Health Scotland’s data and intelligence response on COVID-19
Guest blog written by Graham McGowan, Principal Information Analyst at Covid Data & Analytics Service. As a Public Health Scotland (PHS) information analyst, I’ve had a front row seat to the data and intelligence response from our organisation to keep the public, leaders in government and the health service informed on the latest progress of […]
What Does a Statistician Do? With Roger Halliday, Chief Statistician at The Scottish Government
In this episode we speak to Roger Halliday, Chief Statistician at the Scottish Government, about the role of statisticians in the modern world; from informing policy makers to documenting our ever-changing world. Click here for more information on the Scottish Government’s statistics vacancies: Get your Data Talent tickets here:
Machine Learning in Action: Energy Forecasting with Jethro Browell
Our host Joanna McKenzie is joined by Jethro Browell, Senior Lecturer at the University of Glasgow Statistic Department. Jethro has worked extensively with the energy industry to develop forecasting models and in this podcast he talks through the process, challenges and opportunities found in such modelling.
How to Adapt Voice Assistants for People with Dementia and People Affected by Sight Loss
Guest blog by Angus Addlesee, one of the showcase presenters at the DataTech during DataFest21’s Our People week. The Benefits of Voice Assistants Voice Assistants (like Siri or Amazon Alexa) are now commonplace and can be really useful. For example, my hands were covered in flour the other day as I made pizza. I would […]
Let’s (Not) Leave Data Science to the Computer Science Students
Guest blog written by Aidan Wallace who undertook his MSc in Big Data at University of Stirling When anyone first hears the words “data science” come up in conversation they probably assume it is an extension of computing science or mathematics that is largely reserved for computing scientists, mathematicians and statisticians that already have an […]
Data visualisation, bias and data storytelling
During Innovation Week 2021, our MSc students were lucky to have a keynote talk from Gavin Allan, BI & Data Science at Barclays Corporate Banking about data visualisation. He has put together some of the highlights from his talk for you now and we have included a recording of his keynote talk below. One thing that has […]
What’s it like being a Graduate Data Engineer during COVID-19?
What’s it like starting a new career in lockdown? How well did university prepare you for a job in technology? How do you explain data engineering to friends and family? We sat down with two of Optima Connect’s graduate data engineers to find out. By Caz Stanton and Anna Skelly, Optima Connect Q1. How did […]
What’s it like to be incubated by an Innovation Centre?
To celebrate National Co-working Day, Alex Hutchison – the Delivery Director for the Data for Children Collaborative with UNICEF – has written about her experience of working with The Data Lab The Data for Children Collaborative with UNICEF is ready to go to school. The time has come for the Data for Children Collaborative with […]