We are delighted that our interim CEO Brian Hills is in the DataIQ 100 most influential people in data!
The DataIQ 100 profiles the most important and influential people in data-driven businesses and the innovators who support them. It also recognises key influencers that have a bearing on the data industry.
What key skills have contributed to Brian’s success?
He believes that a technical background combined with data leadership and a focus on innovation have been the key.
I understood both the challenges as a data analyst and as a data leader and this helped shape the launch of our first services.
Brian remembers presenting to a group of charity leaders about open data and some great collaborations and realising that his examples were too far removed from where the charities currently were in their data journey.
By spending time with them and listening to stories of their work, they formed a project collaboration that helped to measure and understand the impact their charity work was having. (You can read the case study: How data can help charities measure success)
A key part of the role is listening – not to charge in and declare data can solve everything
And what are Brian’s key areas of focus for The Data Lab in 2022?
- Meeting our commitments
- Scaling our Impact
- Shaping our Future
Read the full article to find out more about our interim CEO Brian Hill’s background and plans for the future