John Brodie, the co-founder of Merkle Aquila, who will be sponsors of DataFest18, explains that there are some amazing examples of businesses that have used data analytics to transform the way they operated, and he brings us two great stories of data transformation in action.
He surprises us by looking back to 1948 for one of the best examples of data analytics transforming a business. The brothers who founded McDonalds used detailed data analysis to completely change their restaurant business and as a result, were able to focus on maximising their efforts on selling the products which brought the most profit. This led to the incredible success that they have achieved today.
Brodie also looks at the phenomenal success of Candy Crush, which uses real time analytics to ‘change the product in the customer’s hand’.
According to Brodie, we will continue to see businesses wanting to capture more and more data about all of their operational processes as they look to make evidence-based decisions on improvements.
We expect to hear more about the power of data transformation in business at DataFest18, our festival of data innovation which is coming to Scotland 19-23 March 2018.
Read the full article at BQ: OPINION: The Power of Data Transformation