The Data Lab’s annual flagship conference discussed the need to focus on building public trust in data and ensuring its ethical use. Speakers included science broadcaster Hannah Fry, NASA’s chief science data officer Kevin Murphy, global public health chair Professor Devi Sridhar and Tom Arthur MSP, Minister for Public Finance, Planning and Community Wealth 600 […]
Community & Events
The Data Lab Community turns 1!
September marks one year since we launched The Data Lab Community – a diverse online space where members from across sectors, industries, and geographies could come together to create positive economic and social impact using data and AI (for themselves, their organisations, and those around them.) Firstly, we’d like to extend an enormous thank you […]
NASA’s chief science data officer to headline Data Summit 2022
NASA’s chief science data officer Kevin Murphy is set to speak at a flagship two-day artificial intelligence and data conference in Edinburgh in November. He will talk to Data Summit delegates about NASA’s Earth System Observatory, which gathers huge amounts of data about our planet which will help guide efforts to monitor climate change, mitigate […]
James Webb Space Telescope data scientist to speak at Data Summit 2022
Giovanna Giardino, a James Webb Space Telescope data scientist and key member of the European Space Agency to speak at Data Summit. The Data Lab’s flagship event will return to Edinburgh for the biggest event in its six-year history. Two-day programme will include internationally recognised speakers who are pioneering the future use of AI and […]
Data Talent returns to kickstart careers in data science
Scotland’s biggest data and AI recruitment event returns in-person to Glasgow next month. Tim Campbell MBE, Jamie Hepburn MSP and Manira Ahmad, Public Health Scotland will deliver keynotes. Data Talent, Scotland’s biggest data science and AI talent showcase, is once again opening its doors for people looking to kick start their careers in the data […]
Join us for Scotland’s best data & AI event: Data Summit, in-person and online
#DataSummit21 We’re so excited to be finishing our year of DataFest21 events with a bang! Scotland’s biggest and best data & AI event, Data Summit, will take place on 24th November. This year, Data Summit will be a one-day hybrid event, taking place at the exclusive luxury hotel, The Balmoral. There will be a very limited capacity, […]
Data visualisation, bias and data storytelling
During Innovation Week 2021, our MSc students were lucky to have a keynote talk from Gavin Allan, BI & Data Science at Barclays Corporate Banking about data visualisation. He has put together some of the highlights from his talk for you now and we have included a recording of his keynote talk below. One thing that has […]
Join us as we launch DataFest21
DataFest is back for 2021 and we’ll be starting the year off with a fantastic free virtual event on the 25th of March We will have a speaker addressing climate change and a discussion panel that will set the scene for our three themed DataFest weeks – #OurFuture, #OurPeople and #OurPlanet. The event will also […]
Scotland’s Countdown to COP26
In November 2021 the UK will host the 26th UN Climate Change Conference of the Parties (COP26). With over 30,000 delegates from every corner of the globe expected to be in attendance, it will be the largest international summit the UK has ever hosted. In anticipation of this significant and crucial event, Scotland’s seven innovation […]
Our live webinar for schoolkids with world-famous astronaut Tim Peake
Our Project Development Manager Neil Brown was determined not to disappoint the hundreds of school children who had been looking forward to their audience with the astronaut Major Tim Peake as part of DataFest20, so he organised a virtual event with the inspiring astronaut instead. Despite everyone’s disappointment around the understandable cancellation of DataFest20, due […]